Catholic Women's League of Saskatchewan


Social Justice Award


The Saskatchewan Provincial Council of the Catholic Women's League of Canada has established a Social Justice Award to be given over ten years and reviewed at the end of that time. The award is intended to enable young women to engage in social justice work. Young women between the ages of 18-35 years will be eligible to receive up to one thousand dollars in one year upon application and decision of the committee.


Award Criteria:

  1. Open to young women between the ages of 18-35 years.
  2. Demonstrated involvement in social justice activities.
  3. Recommendation of a pastor or campus minister or equivalent.
  4. The award must be used to finance participation in a reputable social justice activity, either at home or abroad, e.g., Development and Peace, Cuernavaca experience, work in inner city, or northern experiences.
  5. Priority will be given to CWL members or relatives of CWL members.
  6. The committee may decide to give the yearly amount to one candidate or divide it among qualified applicants.
  7. Academic standing and background will be a consideration but not the determining factor.
  8. Successful candidates will be asked to share their experience with League members.
  9. Decision of the committee is final.



You can see and print the information and application form at the links below: 

Word Version

PDF Version


2025 Deadline: TBA

Questions? See application form for contact information