Catholic Women's League of Saskatchewan




Provincial Council


PA Diocesan Council


Regina Diocesan Council 


Saskatoon Diocesan Council

~Clothing Depot


Parish Councils


National Events





2019 Provincial Convention


2018 Provincial Convention


2017 Provincial Convention


2016 Convention

Social Justice Award



Provincial Convention 2022 - Swift Current, SK

Submitted by Marge Appell, Provincial Communications Chairperson, 2019 - 2022


Provincial President Chantal Devine (seated) and Provincial Secretary Marion Laroque during the business session of the Convention.

The SK Provincial CWL Convention was held June 5th and 6th, 2022 at Christ the Redeemer Church in Swift Current, SK. It was the first face-to-face convention held since before the global pandemic began, and it was evident all the participants enjoyed praying, working, and visiting  with each other.


The Theme of the convention was “Catholic and Living It” and attendees enjoyed two  presentations on Sunday afternoon. One was given by Claire Heron, Honorary Life Member, who graciously agreed to share Fran Lucas’s thoughts on the National theme. Fran Lucas, National CWL president, was unable to attend because of covid.  Claire Heron spoke about the importance of prayer and of building/maintaining relationships. She challenged attendees to think of ways to put the theme into action. She asked, “What does it look like to be ‘Catholic and Living It’?” We were reminded that relationships are stronger when we live our faith and we should do this deliberately – in our visits with family, our interactions with friends and neighbours, small connections we make with strangers and in our communities at large.  As well, we were asked to remember that our connections with others may not always be life-long, but they may be life-giving.


Janette Rieger, Regina Diocesan President, presents a workshop on "The Joys of Leadership."

  The second presentation was given by Janette
  Rieger to replace a workshop that Fran would
  have led. Janette’s presentation was titled,
  ”The Welcome Program Meets the Joys of
 It included an overview of Membership Information forms to show
  how assessing members’ interests could lead to participation in special committees
specific projects. Janette pointed out that involving more members in small
  initiatives could eventually lead to more members assuming leadership roles.
  (The Welcome Program and Joys of Leadership documents can be found on
  the National Website under Resources #621 and #630 respectively.) 


  Following the banquet on Sunday evening, Chantal Devine, SK provincial
  CWL president, introduced His Honour Russ Mirasty, Lieutenant Governor of
  SK, whose presentation was on “Inclusion”. Mr. Mirasty spoke about his own
  life, the impact his experiences had on his world view, the multicultural fabric
  of our country, and the importance of showing respect to everyone. He
  reiterated several times that he shared his story not to highlight any
  negative aspect of his experiences growing up, but to impress upon all of us
  the importance of building relationships that include, support, and encourage
  all people throughout our lives. He said racism was and is a reality, but that
 diversity is a strength and we all must work to better understand and
 acknowledge what happened in the past, while going forward with the resolve do all we can to eradicate racism in our society.         


His Honour Russ Mirasty presents the 2022 Provincial CWL Social Justice award to Tahlia Rink.

Following the Lieutenant Governor’s presentation, Mary Nordick, provincial past president and chair of the SK Provincial CWL Social Justice Award Committee, introduced this year’s winner of the social justice award. His Honour, Russ Mirasty presented it to Tahlia Rink from Regina. Tahlia is involved in volunteer efforts to improve the living conditions of residents in Cuernavaca, Mexico. 


Monday, June 6th,  was dedicated to the business portion of the convention. A few oral reports were presented on Sunday and others continued on Monday. These included reports/messages from National CWL, SK provincial president, all three diocesan presidents, the SK CWL treasurer, and the Provincial Executive standing committee chairs. All reports will be published in the annual convention report booklet and available on the website at a future date. 


A resolution “Child Labour in Mining Mica”, originating from the St. Joseph CWL Council, Indian Head, was debated and passed by those assembled, and it will now be forwarded to the National Council of the League for consideration at the 102nd Annual National Meeting in August, 2022. The resolution addresses the mining of mica and asks the Catholic Women’s League of Canada “to urge the Federal government to educate Canadians on the health risks and dangers to children involved in mica mining, to encourage countries that mine and export the product to ensure the safety of mining conditions and the welfare of miners, and require companies that use mica in their products to disclose the source of the mica they use.” Quoting from the brief, “Mica is a light and relatively soft, silicate mineral….It is used mainly in the electronics industry…but is also ground up and used to give the glitter, sparkle, and shine to cosmetics and car paints. It is mined responsibly in many countries, however, in some places it is mined irresponsibly and at a great risk to the health and safety of the people who mine it. Many children have died as a result of the unsafe mining conditions.”


The convention ended with the election of a new slate of officers for June 2022 - June 2024. Connie Crichton, from Saskatoon, is the new provincial president and a picture of the new executive is posted on the website with names and positions included.


Members of the new executive for 2022-2024 are installed by Father Peter Nnanga.


Most Reverend Archbishop Don Bolen presided at the Opening Mass on Sunday afternoon, and brought greetings to those attending. He affirmed the good works performed by CWL members in SK and graciously thanked us. Father Peter Nnanga, Provincial Spiritual Advisor, presided at the Closing Mass on Monday, and assisted in installing the new executive for 2022-2024. Other priest spiritual advisors in attendance concelebrated at both masses.



His Honour Russ Mirasty, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, and wife Donna Mirasty.
Most Reverend Archbishop Don Bolen, Archbishop of Regina, SK.
Rev Fr. Peter Justine Nnanga, MSP, Saskatchewan Provincial CWL Spiritual Advisor.


New President Connie Crichton and members of the 2022-2024 Provincial Executive are installed at the Closing Mass.

Bagpiper and CWL member Margot de la Gorgendiere leads the Provincial Executive and Honoured guests in procession.




Provincial Council Dedicates Tree


On July 13, 2021, members of SK Provincial CWL Council participated in the 2020 Centenary Project by dedicating an Amur tree to commemorate the League’s 100th Anniversary.  The tree was planted at Holy Trinity Parish in Regina, thanks to the assistance of Debbie Bulych, president of Holy Trinity CWL, and the parish’s custodian.  Provincial CWL executive members Marge Appell, Helene Marceau, and Marian Zsombor were present for the event.  Also present were Debbie Bulych and Ginette Chicoine, president of Holy Family CWL Council.  Marian Zsombor, Provincial Community Life chairperson, thanked Debbie for her extensive involvement with the project and she also thanked Ginette for helping us celebrate.  A plaque will be placed by the tree to mark the anniversary of the League.    





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Recognizing Outstanding Service of Connie Crichton



On Monday, June 7, 2021, at the SK Provincial Meeting of Members, president Chantal Devine presented a Maple Leaf pin to Connie Crichton because she has served the League "in an exceptional and meritorious manner".  (National Manual of Policy and Procedures).
In presenting the award, Chantal highlighted Connie's service as follows:
"Connie is an active member of St. Mary's CWL Council in Saskatoon and a perfect candidate for this prestigious award.  She was instrumental in keeping members connected during the past 15 months by taking charge of our GotoMeeting app.  She graciously accommodated all councils who wanted to hold meetings and she also initiated the weekly rosary on Wednesday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. and has not missed a day!  She started the Provincial Council CWL Facebook Page and leads the rosary on Facebook live every Monday evening at 8:00 p.m.   She presently serves as president elect and organization chair of the Provincial Council, but also serves as treasurer of the Saskatoon Diocesan CWL Council.  In 2019, Connie committed to a five-year term on the national marketing working group of the strategic plan.  Time does not allow me to mention all of Connie's charitable activities but be assured she deserves our appreciation and recognition!  Congratulations, Connie, and may this pin be a reflection of how much we appreciate your
ongoing service to the League!



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        ARISE – Put on the Armour of Light! Catholic Women’s Retreat        


submitted by Connie Crichton, President-Elect/Organization


       ARISE – Put on the Armour of Light! Catholic Women’s Retreat       


Available May 1st – Register by April 30, 2021


“A unique, full day, online retreat experience to meet the needs of women in unprecedented times.”




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Provincial President Brings Greetings to the Ukrainian CWL Convention, Oct. 26-27, 2019


submitted by Chantal Devine Provincial President










 Chantal Devine, SK Provincial President, brought greetings on behalf of provincial council, and all members of the Catholic Women’s League in Saskatchewan, to the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, on the occasion of the Saskatoon 37th Eparchial Convention, held at St. George’s Ukrainian Cathedral in Saskatoon on October 26-27, 2019.











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Report on the SK Provincial CWL Workshop, Sept. 19-21, 2019


submitted by Marge Appell, Provincial Communications Chairperson


The annual Provincial CWL Workshop was held at Queen’s House of Retreat and Renewal Centre in Saskatoon, Sept. 19-21, 2019.  Provincial President, Chantal Devine, organized the event covering many topics that were informative and timely.  Marlene VanDresar, Spiritual Development chairperson, planned daily prayer reflections that were meaningful as well as thought provoking.  Provincial Spiritual Advisor, Father Peter Nnanga, presided at Mass on Friday and Saturday mornings, and also gave a reflection on Friday evening.  His topic was “Living Our Theme: Care for Our Common Home”.  Father Thomas Mutavanattu, Regina Diocesan Spiritual Advisor, concelebrated at both masses.  Thirty-two people attended the event. 


Provincial Executive gathered on Thursday night and spent Friday sharing reports and working through topics related to League work.  Diocesan Executive members joined the Provincial Executive on Friday evening and were present for the workshop on Saturday. 


Presentations on Saturday morning were given by Life Member Susan Melchiorre, Provincial Resolutions Chairperson and Life Member Liaison, who spoke about the Resolution process and encouraged everyone to become involved in researching/writing resolutions; Connie Crichton, Provincial President-elect and Organization chairperson, gave a presentation on Annual Reports, covering the process of submitting information and the timeline for submissions;  Diana Robstad, member of Holy Spirit CWL Council in Saskatoon, who shared her enthusiasm for “The Art of Inclusion in Recruiting and Retaining Members”; and Jennifer Boutin, also a member of Holy Spirit CWL council, who spoke about forming a Catholic Girls’ League (CGL) in her parish, with the blessing and assistance of the parish team. 


The first presentation on Saturday afternoon was facilitated by Margaret Schwab, Provincial Past President, and Connie Crichton.  They gave an update on the 5 year Strategic Plan which the League has undertaken across Canada as we move towards the celebration of 100 years of service, and aspire to revitalize the League.  During the second part of the afternoon, chairpersons of the various standing committee shared the breadth and scope of their responsibilities and everyone had the opportunity to join in the discussion.


Time was well spent and much was accomplished during our time together.   



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Life Memberships Presented to Three Members


  At the SK Provincial Convention held in Humboldt, SK, June 2 & 3, 2019, three CWL members, Chantal Devine, Margaret Schwab, and Susan Melchiorre, were presented Life memberships in the League, by National President Anne-Marie Gorman.


Chantal Devine, Provincial President, Margaret Schwab, Provincial Past-President, Anne-Marie Gorman, National President, 

and Susan Melchiorre,  Life Member Liaison and SK Resolutions Standing Committee Chair.



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71st Saskatchewan Provincial Annual Convention June 2 & 3, 2019


The 71st Saskatchewan Provincial Annual Convention, will be held at St. Augustine Parish, Humboldt on Sunday & Monday, June 2nd & June 3rd, 2019


Click HERE to see:

  • a Tentative Convention agenda,
  • a List of accommodations, and
  • a Registration Form (return before May 21, 2019)



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Provincial Strategic Planning Workshop Nov 5, 2018


Holy Spirit, Saskatoon, hosted provincial executive Margaret Schwab, Provincial CWL President  and Connie Crichton, Provincial Spiritual Chairperson on Nov.5, 2018.  Despite the cold weather, 29 CWL members from across Saskatoon attended the Strategic Planning workshop. The 75-minute workshop explained plans for the anticipated changes of the CWL over the next five years.


St. Mary's, Saskatoon, had the next workshop on Nov. 8  so more members were able to learn about the strategic plans as well.  


The provincial executive would like to be invited to your CWL council to share this exciting news.  Go ahead. Invite a few neighboring councils. 




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Provincial and Diocesan Workshop in Bruno, Oct. 11-13, 2018


The Provincial Council organized a workshop at Bruno. They had a social gathering on Thursday, October 11. At the gathering, Susan Melchiorre was congratulated by Provincial President Margaret Schwab. Susan has accepted a position on the National Resolutions Committee for a two year term.  She will help with the resolutions submitted to National, and with the actual debate and voting  that happens at National Conventions. 


In Susan we have a great resource person in our midst of the province.  She loves resolutions. Let us try to work on a resolution or two and Susan can help you. Saskatchewan has had a dry spell in the later years. Resolutions need to be submitted in January to Diocesan resolutions chairperson so time is coming quickly. They can be sent for municipal, provincial government and national government. It is so interesting to hear the resolution discussions at conventions. We have so many talented ladies that could learn how to prepare one. 


On Friday, the Provincial Executive met for their fall meeting. On Saturday, the Diocesan councils from Saskatoon Prince Albert, and Regina arrived to join the provincial executive for a day of workshops.








Fr. Peter Nnaga, Provincial CWL Spiritual Advisor, and Fr. Ed Hengen, Regina Spiritual Advisor co-celebrated mass with us on Saturday morning.









The 5-year Strategic Plan was discussed in morning, and in the afternoon three speakers from the Toastmasters Club (John, Terry and Penny) lead the discussions on how to conduct meetings.



Attentive DIocesan and provincial CWL executive at the workshop discussions.


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Protecting the Sanctity of Life in Saskatchewan

  Ingrid Eggerman, Saskatoon Diocesan President


 I would like to bring greetings on behalf of our provincial president Margaret Schwab and the 5400 CWL members that make up 72 councils in Regina, 46 in Saskatoon and 19 Prince Albert. 


The Catholic Women’s League of Canada has been protecting the sanctity of life in Saskatchewan for 70 years and in Canada for 98 years.


Our National council has issued 12 hours of prayer to be said on any given day this week in all councils across Canada. Every council will set aside 12 hours of individual or collective prayer for the sanctity of life as well as the many numerous issues in our society. We are an organization rooted in Gospel values calling our members to holiness.


Unfortunately 4 million children have been killed by abortion since 1969. The CWL would like to recognise them by collecting one million plus signatures to present to the federal government in 2019 in support of Pro-Life issues. The 80,000 members from Councils across Canada will be working towards this goal. Please come and see me to sign our petition or take a copy for your church or organization.


We are all called to proclaim the sanctity and protection of  every life from conception to natural death.



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CWL sisters in Newfoundland and Labrador make quilt for Broncos


"Your CWL sisters in Newfoundland and Labrador are thinking about you during this tragic time in your province. CWL members were busy making comfort quilt tops to be sent to the home of the Broncos in Saskatchewan.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.  We hope you may find some comfort when you wrap up in your quilt.  May God bless you all and remember that the souls called home are Saints forever."



St. Patrick's CWL Council members in Carbonear, NL display the quilts: left to right, Angela Slaney, Shirley Shea and Ellen Marrigan. 




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Cutknife CWL Member Receives Special Recognition


The Saskatchewan Provincial CWL Council is very pleased to congratulate Marcella Pedersen on being awarded the Global Citizen's Award. Marcella is from Cutknife, Saskatchewan and has been a longtime CWL member, serving on parish, diocesan and provincial councils. Last June, she was awarded the Bellelle Guerin award at our provincial convention.

It is wonderful that she has been recognized again for her tireless work for social justice. This award is presented by the Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation and recognizes Saskatchewan people who make amazing contributions to international development, cooperation, peace and justice.  


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Fall Provincial and Diocesan Workshop

Bruno,  October 12 to 14, 2017  

Margaret Schwab, our Provincial CWL President, planned a busy 48 hours for our Provincial Executive. We all shared reports of what has happened within our Chairs since June convention.  New events and the new format of June 2018 Provincial convention was planned. 


Friday evening our Diocesan executive arrived to share the second 24 hours with us.  Our Provincial Spiritual advisor, Fr. Gerard Cooper, celebrated mass with us. Barb Dowding, National Past president, shared progress of the Strategic Planning Committee.   She asked our opinions of the Strategic Planning and we sent our ideas with her to take to the National meeting October 28.   This group will work for five years involving all CWL levels. We don’t know what the future holds but we know what we need to give is something different.  We need to give ladies something to vest their time in. 






Mary Nordick led a workshop on writing communiques, oral reports and letters.  She humorously taught us to give ourselves time to write, drafting, revising, editing and proof reading our work. Keep it simple and pertinent to your committee.  





We did enjoy some spiritual and social time with our sisters in the League.  We had a wonderful time to eat, pray and interact with the students of St. Theresa Academy of Faith.  



For a little fun, Life Member Marge Szabo sent a gift from Regina for Connie Crichton.  Anne of Green Gables. 



To understand the continuity of this, please see National Convention on the extra pages HERE on this website, and see Anne of Green Gables.   Yes, Connie was dressed up as Anne of Green Gables there.    


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69th Annual CWL Provincial Convention

North Battleford June 5 & 6, 2017


The 69th Annual Provincial Convention was held in North Battleford June 5 & 6, 2017.  The convention opened with the presentation of colours, followed by the prayer service.  Welcome greetings were given by Provincial President Jean Reader; Kelli Hawtin, councillor for the city of North Battleford, brought greetings to all on the behalf of the City.  Betty Stone, hosting Council President, brought her greetings and a welcome to all.  Fr. Anthony Afan, hosting council spiritual advisor, brought his greetings and said “He feels honored that we have chosen his parish to host the 69th Annual Convention.  He prays that the Holy Spirit will guide us.  The League is a strong voice for all women.”  Father then thanked St. Joseph’s council for their hard work and for their assistance to him.  Shirley Lamoureux, Prince Albert CWL Diocesan President, brought greetings and a welcoming on behalf of the 900 plus members of the Catholic Women’s League in the Prince Albert  Diocese.  Fr. Greg Elder, Co-Spiritual advisor for Prince Albert diocese, brought his greetings and welcome on behalf of Bishop Albert Thévenot and the clergy. “Welcoming the profound gift of the CWL, we love you and your Holy support of our Lady, the Mother of our Church.”


Following the greetings, President Jean Reader introduced and welcomed our National President Margaret Anne Jacobs.  She was our first presenter.  Margaret Anne spoke on the theme, “Inspired by the Spirit.   Women respond to God’s Call.”

Margaret Anne touched on the following points:


  1. Spirit of the Living God, Emphasis on Love.  The gift of Love is the greatest gift we can give one another.
  2. We only give what we have been given.
  3. We must seek the Holy Spirit in prayer.
  4. Who has given you unconditional love?
  5. We are all children of God and God loves us all.
  6. How can we recognize the the unconditional love of God?
  7. God calls us to use our gifts.  We have all been gifted by God.  All our gifts are precious.
  8. We are chosen by God for a particular purpose.
  9. Use your gifts to the service of one another.
  10. A spiritual gift is expressed as serving one another as good servants.
  11. Let go and let God work through us.
  12. We need to recognize the gifts we have been given.
  13. We have a responsibility to grow in God’s love.
  14. We ask the Holy Spirit to shower our gifts upon us, to help us to grow in understanding, to have the courage to “stand up” for what we believe in, to be more reverent and prayerful.  We were challenged to see where we need to have the courage to do our work in the League.  We need to develop Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Knowledge, Reverence, Wonder and Awe, the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  We are expected to have Joy, Patience, Peace, Kindness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control, the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  It is challenging to work with so many.  Be the good news to all.  We are challenged to be loving joyful women.   


Father Doug Jeffrey OMI was the second presenter.  Father’s presentation was “Mary, shedding light on our Journey.”  He started by expressing his gratitude to the League.  His “go to source” is sacred scripture.  The name Mary is taken from the Hebrew word Mariamme meaning wise woman. 


Mary is an example to us on how we should live our discipleship.  Mary wants us to engage the world.  Mary sees the needs of the people. Mary invites us to show up and to stay with whatever is happening in our lives.  We cannot fix everything.  A reminder to us that Mary is a prayerful person.


Jean Reader, our Provincial President, gave her report.  Jean told us we are called to use our gifts from God.  We must embrace these gifts.  We have seen the power of prayer.  We must make our feelings on Euthanasia known in a loud voice.   CWL Mission statement is:  “The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.”


Shirley Lamoureux, Prince Albert Diocesan President, told us there are over 900 members in the P.A. Diocese.  She has reconnected with some past members. 


Marlene VanDresar, Saskatoon Diocesan President, said they now have 2669 members in their diocese. 


Marilyn Schuck, Regina Diocesan President, says there is 3186 members which is down 91 members.  


Mary Nordick gave an update of the 2016 Social Justice Award winners: Chibeze Philomena Ojukwa, Jessie Froehlich and Desiree Nelson.  She also announced the two winners of the 2017 Social Justice winners.  $300.00 to Anna Meckleborg to study co-operatives in Santa Fe, Panama and $700.00 to CWL member Dawn Kellington to assist her in attending the Development and Peace youth forum in Ottawa later this month.


During the banquet, greetings were brought to us from the Knights of Columbus Saskatchewan State Council.  The Ukrainian CWL thanked us for the invitation and greeted us with their greeting “Glory be forever inviting us to never forget to pass on our faith.” 


Provincial President Jean presented Certificates of Merit to the presidents of St. Joseph’s, Notre Dame and St. Vital councils as well as a presentation to Betty Stone, convention chairperson. She presented a thank you gift to Velma Harrison for acting as Parliamentarian and to Shirley Lamoureux as Banquet M/C.  The Belle Guerin awards were presented by National President, Margaret Ann Jacobs to: Marcella Pedersen, Anne Kosokowsky and Rita Hengen.  Margaret Ann then presented Jean Reader with her Life Member pin.


Tuesday, June 6th, began with morning liturgy at 8:30, led by Fr. Gerard Cooper, Saskatchewan Provincial Spiritual Advisor and Chantal Devine, Spiritual Development chairperson. 


The Treasurer’s report was then given by Connie Crichton.  Fr. Gerard gave a brief message, summing it up that “We have encountered the Living God.  HE has chosen us.  We have learned to be one Heart, one Voice, and one Mission.”


President elect, and chairperson organization, Margaret Schwab, told us, “We need to learn how to move forward.”  During the National Convention on Tuesday August 8 at 8:00 am, the live stream from the convention will begin.  She also said “Our experience in the league needs to be passed on.”  Next year’s provincial convention will be June 3 & 4 in Regina. 


Spiritual Development Chairperson, Chantal Devine, told us that “: Our theme is profound and will launch us to new heights.”  She told us that “we are increasingly supporting the role of women in the church.  We help to promote unity in all Christians.”  We need to be sure the names of our deceased members are submitted in a timely manner.  183 members passed away in Saskatchewan in 2016. 


Christian Family Life Chairperson, Marian Zsombor, reminded us to write letters to cease funding for abortions.  There are many demands on today’s families.  We must continue to be merciful and to love unconditionally. 


Community Life Chairperson, June Gorgchuck, said we are approaching the 150 birthday of Canada.  There were people who have welcomed us long ago before the Europeans arrived in Canada.  This year is the 50 Anniversary of Development and Peace and she encouraged everyone to write a letter to congratulate them. 


Education and Health chairperson, Susan Melchiorre, spoke on Bill 277 to define services to be covered in Palliative Care.  June 8 at 1:00pm take one minute to pray for peace. 


Resolutions and Legislation chairperson, Rita Hengen, asks us “Why do so many members find this chair so daunting?” 


Archives Chairperson, Marge Szabo, reminded us “to pass on the legacy of the league, to pass on the baton.”


Life member liaison, Tillie Aessie, explained that a life membership is not given to a long standing member.


The Regina Archdiocese presented their invitation to the 70th Annual Provincial Convention June 3 & 4, 2018. 


The registration report was given.  There were 1 Bishop, 12 Spiritual Advisors, 4 Honorary Life members, 2 Life Members, and CWL members for a total of 204 convention attendees. 


Elections were held and the new executive was installed during the closing mass. 


Installations of Officers

June 2017 to June 2019


A thank you was extended to Tim and MaryAnne Harroun of North Battleford for the loan of Our Lady of Fatima statue.      


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