Catholic Women's League of Saskatchewan




Provincial Council


PA Diocesan Council


Regina Diocesan Council 


Saskatoon Diocesan Council

~Clothing Depot


Parish Councils


National Events







A spotlight on our parish councils and all the wonderful work they do. See what other councils are doing and maybe get some inspiration for your own council.




St. Henry's Council - Melville

Celebrating 65 Years of Service

Spring 2025


Florence Parlee served as secretary for 6 years and is presently President of our St. Henry’s CWL.  “I cannot express enough what a great group of ladies I have to work with.  They are always ready and willing to help cater a funeral lunch, to help out at Community Meals, volunteer for Church Ministries or bake for our fundraisers.” She says.


We presently have 43 Members in our council, some of which are now our prayer members because of mobility or other health issues.  Our main income is catering funeral lunches and having a spring and fall fundraiser, which is usually a bake and craft sale, as well as the odd donation from a parishioner.  In 2024 we enlisted 5 new members, in 2025 we got 3 new members.  2024 was a very busy year for us.  In January, we had an Indigenous Parish Person speak at our meeting about her experience growing up in a residential school.  It was not only very informative but also very tear jerking!  On May 3rd we prayed for 12 continuous hours In support of Palliative Care.  In June, we had a Palliative Care Coordinator come to speak to us on Palliative Care and gave a donation to our St. Peter’s Hospital.  In September, we had a speaker come to our meeting to talk about Mental Health and also provided her with a donation.  At our Christmas gathering, each member brought a gift for the Pine Unit in Yorkton, a unit that helps clients struggling with mental health.


We belong to and support Pro Life and CHAS.  We complete and forward child trafficking, pornography, mental illness and MAiD cards to our MLA for furthering to Parliament.  We donate to Telemiracle, St. Paul Lutheran Home Christmas Gift Fund and our Parish Pre-Christmas Bazaar.  For our two St. Henry’s Schools we donate a Prodigal Son Engraved Plaque Award to 6 students every June, donate to their breakfast food program, donate gifts to all First Communion and Reconciliation participants and donate to AMPO (a program for Grade 7 Students to go to Camp for a week).


We also look forward to attending one or two conventions this spring, which we always enjoy!

This year we celebrate St. Henry’s Catholic Women’s League 65th Anniversary.  Here I am Lord, send me!

    Above-left: St. Henry's CWL with Archbishop Bolen, Christmas Novena mass 2024

Right: President Flo Parlee



St. Joseph's Council - Moose Jaw

 March 2024

West Park:  St. Joseph's Catholic Girls' League (Moose Jaw) made wreaths with women at West Park Crossing Retirement Living in November, 2023
Caroling:   St. Joseph's Catholic Girls' League (Moose Jaw) went caroling on all the units at Providence Place Care Home before Christmas.  CWL Member Amanda King accompanied them on the piano.
Serving our Parish Newcomers:  St. Joseph's (Moose Jaw) CWL members served at a recent "Welcome Newcomers Coffee" coordinated by the CWL several times a year to welcome newcomers to our parish.


St. Joseph's Council - Kindersley

  March 2024

Thanks to St. Joseph's CWL from Kindersley, SK for sharing their council newsletter with us. Please take a look and enjoy all the wonderful activities they have been involved with.


Kindersley CWL Newsletter.pdf


St. John Bosco Council - Saskatoon

Nov 2023

Super Salad Saturday:   St. John Bosco CWL hosted a Super Salad Saturday on October 21 and welcomed all women of the parish to join us for two hours of visiting, lunching and entertainment.  This event was offered at no charge and a core group of CWL members personally contacted all women of the parish and supplied the salads.  Eighty women joined us for the event.



St. Mary's Council - Saskatoon

Aug 2023

St. Mary CWL council, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan held a potluck supper and awards night on June 9, 2023 for their members and families. 


Years of service pins were presented for 10  to 65 years of service. 


The highlight of the presentations was the 65 years of service pin presented to Jean Shirley. Jean just recently completed many years on the council executive, most recently as treasurer. 

A 65 years of service pin presented to Jean Shirley by Connie Crichton, provincial president.

Jeannette Amico - past president; Jean Shirley - 65 year pin recipient; Val Schedlosky - St. Mary Council president; Connie Crichton - provincial president.

Recipients of years of service pins for 2023.


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Holy Family Council - Regina

July 2023



Rosemarie Hedley member of Holy Family Regina CWL Council received her 65-year pin and certificate.  We are so proud to have Rosemarie as one of our members supporting our council. Congratulations Rosemarie.

Presenting Rosemarie with her pin and certificate is Holy Family CWL President – Laureen Krieger.








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Holy Spirit Council - Saskatoon

May 2023


Members at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon have had a busy month, welcoming new members, presenting of 25 years of service pins to members and leading a prayer service for 12 hours of Prayer for Palliative Care.



Members led the Stations of the Cross for Caregivers following Daily Mass as part of 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care.
Fr. Joseph Salihu (Spiritual Advisor) says a blessing over new member pins and years of service pins.
President-elect Melina Palendat (right) presents Kay Lang with a 70 year CWL service pin. 
President Margaret Schwab (right) presents Julie Gibb with a 75 year CWL service pin. 
Holy Spirit CWL was pleased to welcome five New Members at our May Meeting. Welcome to the CWL!
Members attended the potluck supper for Our Lady of Good Counsel feast day at St. Anne's Parish.



St. Joseph's Council - Kindersley

May 2023



St. Joseph's Council, Kindersley, celebrated CWL Sunday on April 23, 2023. They gathered for a group photo in front of a beautiful quilt made by member Bernie Schwartz. 










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St. Joseph's Council - Kindersley

March 2023


Geralyn Allen from St. Joseph's  CWL Council in Kindersley has shared their latest newsletter with us. Please take a read to find out what they are doing. Many wonderful pictures of members receiving Years of Service pins, and a few of perogy making too!


Kindersley CWL Newsletter (PDF)


Picture on left: The CWL/Knights of Colombus Incentive Award presented to a graduating student.





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Holy Family Cathedral - Saskatoon

  March 2023




Avis Hardy welcoming Mary Kehrig to her 5th Year as President.

L to R Donna Braun – Service, Carol Grant – Secretary, Wendy Dale – Faith, Avis Hardy – Social Justice, Mary Kehrig – President, Donna Dube – Co-Treasurer, Cathy LaFleche – Vice President & Organization, Collette Brockman – Co-Treasurer, Willie Glasman – Service


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