Catholic Women's League of Saskatchewan




Provincial Council


PA Diocesan Council


Regina Diocesan Council 


Saskatoon Diocesan Council

~Clothing Depot


Parish Councils


National Events





The 103rd Annual National Meeting of Members

August 15 – 16, 2023 in Saint John New Brunswick


  Saskatchewan Delegates attending the AMM


This years National Annual Meeting of Members was a much smaller event than a full convention as attendance was by invitation only to voting delegates, accredited delegates, Life members and Honorary Life members. Saint. John rolled out the hospitality and made us all feel very welcome.

Helen Kayfish and Lynn Jones, our provincial delegates have shared some of the happenings of the AMM. Check that out under the National events page. I have also shared information that is a result of our pre and post convention meetings as well as the AMM in the August Newsletter. Please share the newsletter with all of your parish council members.

This fall will by a very busy time for our provincial and diocesan executive as they embark on our unity Outreach Project that will see them visiting as many parish councils as possible. The goal of the project is to identify how the various levels of the league can assist parish councils in keeping their councils active and engaged. We will come to listen and learn and look forward to the visits.


Connie Crichton, President


Our Delegates Reports

Lynn Jones - Provincial Delegate

Report on CWL AMM in Saint John – Aug 12 to 15 2023


I would first like to thank the CWL Provincial Council for sending me to this convention. I have only been to two conventions prior to this and both I was working as a convention planner for the Regina 2013 National Convention.  It was a pleasure to attend and just sit back and enjoy.


Day 1 started with registration. The members working behind the registration desk and at the hotel giving us directions were lovely and very helpful. We went on a trolley ride and in true fashion we had the rain and our tour guide (Wonderful Wendy) in Maritime gear.

The afternoon was spent in resolutions dialogue. Our discussion was on the resolution Combating Textile Waste in Canada. There were 4 resolutions received but this one was the only one that came to the floor. The discussion at our table was very interesting as a learning lesson on how better to prepare resolutions and to ensure you have done all your homework before presenting your resolution up the chain. The members asked several thought-out questions. In the end the resolution was passed, and we should be receiving follow up items to do with respect to this resolution. New Brunswick had a resolution on Early Learning, but it only went up to the Provincial Level.


There was also a Workshop on Resolutions that I thought would have been more useful if they had used an example when going through it. 


Our opening mass was held that night at Holy Redeemer Church.  Connie, Margaret, Velma, and Claire did us proud in the procession to open the mass.



The music and mass parts were all done in Latin which was lovely to listen to. After mass there was a reception downstairs.


The business sessions started off on Monday morning on time and Fran Lucas kept the reports and breaks on time throughout the two days.  We found out that National is going back to three printings of the National Magazine. 

On Tuesday it was exciting to hear the League of the Future and the three goals that we will be hearing about shortly. 


  • Goal 1 – Members of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada grow in faith by sharing, witnessing, and developing leadership skills to create positive change.
  • Goal 2 – The Catholic Women’s League of Canada addresses and supports Catholic social teaching through advocacy.
  • Goal 3 – Through outreach and service, members of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada foster a culture where all life is valued with dignity and respect. 


We were asked how we can affect change?  We can train, communicate, lead and inspire. Use whatever our superpower is to help others.  A new skills bank has been created for all councils across the country.  This will be available soon.


The 2024 Saskatoon Convention Committee with Connie speaking welcomed everyone to join us in Saskatoon next year.  Dropping a hint of “Aye Matey”.


Our New CWL Theme – Here I am Lord, send me! This was exciting for me to be there when this was announced. 


Closing Mass was held at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.  It was a beautiful church and the perfect back drop for the installation ceremony.


The gala banquet was the perfect end to our convention and to welcome in the new executive while saying goodbye to the outgoing executive who have been with us the past couple of years. 


As much as I have enjoyed the previous National Conventions, I enjoyed this one for being more intimate.  I was able to talk to the Executive one on one without feeling I was intruding on their tight schedule. 


I am looking forward to Saskatoon in 2024. 


Respectfully Submitted

Lynn Jones


Helen Kayfish – Provincial Delegate 

We started out from Saskatoon airport early on Saturday August 12th arriving in Toronto early as well. Our flight was delayed but we still arrived in New Brunswick at a decent time. Settled in the hotel had a bite to eat and we were in bed at 9pm their time, that's 6pm our time. We were tired! Sunday morning we were fortunate to partake in a Trolley tour of Saint John. It was a great tour and I have many pictures to share one day. The weather was rainy off and on but we still had opportunities to get out and walk around the neighborhood a bit.


Sunday afternoon we got down to business with the resolutions dialogue. One resolution was presented and was forwarded to the AMM, where it passed and will be presented to the Federal Government. Resolution 2023-01 'Combating Textile Waste in Canada', forwarded from Manitoba. The remainder of the dialogue was used to educate us once again on preparing and presenting a resolution. Sunday evening we attended the opening mass at one of the Catholic Churches in Saint John. A beautiful celebration of the Eucharist followed by fellowship time and a light lunch, where open faced sandwiches, fruit and squares were served. Provided just enough for supper. Monday morning began right on time with the League prayer and opening remarks. President Fran Lucus thanked everyone for their years of service to the League and Bishop Stephen Jensen commented how Catholic Mass is universal from sea to sea. Notice of meeting was called and Honorary Life Members were introduced. Interesting fact was that on the first day so far 118 delegates were registered in person and 178 were registered virtually. 


The provincial reports followed and were well presented. Connie did us proud! Thank you Connie. Each president spoke on the Unity Project and how well it was being received throughout the country. Some spoke on how difficult it has been retaining members and encouraging new members to join with the challenges of covid. An interesting fact is that Ontario has 30,000 members, nearly half of the 63,572 total membership across the country. We need to invite and encourage new members. President Fran was able to attend each provincial convention and congratulated each province on well done conventions. She also shared her experiences travelling to a few other countries representing the League. Fran also congratulated the councils on the donations to the voluntary funds. Just a note that for the National Bursary Fund only two councils from Saskatchewan were acknowledged in the annual report book, Holy Spirit Saskatoon and Notre Dame North Battleford.


Kim Scammell executive director of the League reported there will be three task forces set, focusing on communications, training, and setting priorities. I have a few notes from some of the standing chairperson reports:


  • Spiritual Development Cathy Bouchard made suggestions of following; The Bible in a year and Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle.

  • Organization chairperson, Shari Guinta spoke on the Unity Project and how it is going well. She also mentioned that the national website is easier to access and to locate information now. Annual reporting is improving and that the reports go directly to National office to be compiled. She also stated that Life Membership changes were implemented in 2022.

  • Christian Family Life chairperson Dorothy Johansen reported that Euthanasia Coalition was no longer a voluntary fund but that we are encouraged to donate directly to the coalition. Community Life standing chairperson Faith Anderson mentioned that the kindness rock project is going well and bringing smiles to others.


Monday Eucharistic celebration was held at 11am followed by a grab and go lunch. You were able to pick up a sandwich, a small bag of chips and an apple or orange and go eat it wherever your wanted to. I ate mine at the 2024 convention fundraiser table and sold our items. I met many more sisters and made a few more friends. More reports followed in the afternoon. The commissioning of New Life Members was held Monday afternoon as well. It was very moving walking under the arch created by our Honorary life members. The day closed with dinner and entertainment by a Little Country & A Little Rock 'N'Roll. 


Tuesday began with morning prayer and moved right into year five of the strategic planning, 'The League in the Future'. How can we create positive change? We believe we can by working together, using available resources and by using our "Super Power'. Key principles of Catholic Social Teaching, Life and Dignity, why do we advocate? We have been baptised into Christ. Vatican II: reading the signs of the times, Thy Kingdom Come, We can change the world. We were asked What is Advocacy? What is faithful advocacy? Government collaboration is a subset of advocacy. For what do we advocate? We were asked to consider the Eight Corporal works of mercy.


Following the morning session members took a break for lunch. I, as a new Life Member was invited to attend the Life Member's Luncheon where I had been asked to lead grace for lunch. I was nervous and I second guessed my choice to lead grace in song to the tune of Edelweiss. Grace was well received and everyone in attendance joined in, everyone asked if they could keep the copy of grace that I had provided. My nerves calmed.


Bishop Stephen gave his final report as the national spiritual advisor and said how much he enjoyed working with the League. He quite clearly mentioned that when we give our blessing to others that we should not be raising our hands, that this is reserved for priests and bishops to do. We are welcome to continue to sing our blessing but that we should keep our hands lowered. 


Bishop Wayne Lobsinger was introduced as the incoming national spiritual advisor. Bishop Wayne was ordained bishop in 2022. Shari Guinta is our new national president and following elections Betty Colaneri is the new vice president with Dorothy Johansen as the new secretary treasurer. Under the new structure of the League there are three standing committees: National Chairperson of Service is Joline Belliveau, National Chairperson of Faith is Rolande Chernichan and National Chairperson of Social Justice is Glenda Carson. 


The AMM closed with the celebration of the Eucharist at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The building of this Cathedral was started in 1855! A banquet followed back at the convention center where we enjoyed a baked salmon meal. Our flight was cancelled for the next morning and rescheduled for 7:30 in the evening. Throughout the day we kept receiving notice of delays and we finally boarded at 9:00pm. Arriving in Toronto to hear the final boarding call for our flight to Saskatoon. We were able to make it to the connecting gate with minutes to spare. Thank God that the gates were not far apart or we would not have made it. We arrived in Saskatoon at 12:05 am Thursday morning only thirteen and a half hours later than our scheduled time. Slept over at Margaret's for a few hours before meeting our driver home. All in all a very good annual meeting and new information was to gain. 


Submitted by

Helen Kayfish 

Saskatchewan Provincial Delegate to the 103rd Annual Meeting of Member

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