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Yorkton/Melville Regional WorkshopSubmitted by Elaine Hornung August 2023
100th Regina Diocesan Annual ConventionJanette Rieger, President July 2023
Following mass, attendees were treated to a delicious banquet which was prepared by Resurrection Parish staff and volunteers. Regina Diocesan President-elect Linda Maddaford hosted the evening’s program. Special guests who gave greetings following the banquet were Larry Packet – State Deputy, Saskatchewan Knight of Columbus; Councillor Lori Bresciani – representative of Ward 4 residents in the City of Regina; and the Honourable Christine Tell – Member of the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly for Regina Wascana Plains, Minister of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, and Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency. Linda read letters of greetings from Member of Parliament for Regina-Wascana, Michael Kram, and from the Archbishop of Regina, Donald Bolen, both of whom were unable to attend.
The guest speaker was Fran Lucas who spoke on her theme ‘Catholic and Living It!’ with a focus on relationships. Following that, the spiritual advisors in attendance left for their meeting, and delegates were given blank ‘thank-you’ cards and time to write a thank-you, a word of encouragement, or to offer a spiritual bouquet to their spiritual advisors. When the spiritual advisors returned, they were acknowledged and thanked for their service to The League. Members took their cards home to present to those spiritual advisors who were not in attendance.
The convention concluded with the presentation of a certificate of merit to the Resurrection CWL Council, gifts to those who helped with the convention, Holy Mass, and the re-affirmation of the executive.
2022 Regina Diocesan CWL Annual Report Book
Click here to download: 2022 Regina Diocesan CWL Annual Report Book
Regina Diocesan Council NewsJanette Rieger, President May 2023
The Unity Project is an initiative of the national executive in which every council across the country has an in-person visit from the level above them, to discuss issues that the council may be having, to share concerns, and to share and celebrate successes.
The Saskatchewan Provincial Council had a visit from a member of the national executive at our winter meeting in March. The Regina Diocesan Executive will have a visit from a member of the Provincial Council at our next meeting in June. Each council in the Regina Diocese should have a visit from a member of the Diocesan Executive from June to the autumn of 2023.
The meeting should be held with a member of the Diocesan Executive and as many parish CWL council members as possible. While in-person meetings are preferred, virtual meetings may have to be held in some circumstances.
A form with some sample question will be sent to councils prior to the meeting so that members have a chance to contemplate their responses before the meeting. Councils should contact me as soon as possible to discuss this further and to set a date for the meeting that will work for the majority of your members.
On another note, as the executive structure of the councils goes to the 3 pillars of Faith, Service, and Social Justice, the 3 members who take these positions may feel overwhelmed and overworked. Talk to all of your members, especially the partially active ones, to see if they would serve on a sub-committee un-der one of the 3 pillars, or would work on a specific project under one of the 3 pillars.
Ask them if their preference is Faith, Service, or Social Justice, if they had to pick just one. Write that down and then when your council has a project under that pillar that most interests them, give them a call to see if they can help. If you get a negative response, don’t give up! The timing of the project may not have been workable for them. Try again with the next project. By getting more members helping in even small ways, our councils will thrive.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Girl's League, Moose Jaw October 2021
St. Joseph's Catholic Girl's League, Moose Jaw, SK, October 2021 with the scarves they received when they joined, to be worn when serving in some way in our parish or community.
There are seven members of the St. Joseph's Catholic Girl's League. They all learned to sew Prayer Blankets. Pictured are three of them with their completed blankets.
The St. Cecilia Gratitude Project
St. Cecilia CWL Council, Regina, SK engaged a local digital advertisement company to display an encouraging message for all essential workers in our community. The message was displayed for a full day on November 1, 2021 - 6 seconds every minute of every hour throughout the entire 24 hour day. The council also provided postcards for parishioners to take and send to essential workers they knew or interacted with. The project was extremely successful and from all comments received, very appreciated.
St. Joseph's CWL, Moose Jaw, SK plant tree and flower garden
On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the CWL in Canada, St Joseph’s CWL, Moose Jaw, along with the newly formed Catholic Girl's League members, planted a hardy, long-living Burr Oak tree to provide shade to the Memorial Bench for the Unborn and Infant loss at Sunset Cemetery.
We were fortunate to have member Sarah Wist Regent, also the city horticulturalist, to assist us with her expertise. CWL members had not gathered in person since November, so it was a wonderful opportunity to get together. The Catholic Girl's League members were very involved in the planting, volunteering to do most of the heavy work of moving soil.
Following the tree planting, we proceeded to a nearby park where we presented the members of the Girl's League with recognition of their participation in the first term of the St. Joseph's Catholic Girl's League.
Another worthwhile project is the Girl's League planting and helping to look after the flower beds by St. Joseph’s Church this year.
During a Zoom meeting with CWL member and city horticulturalist, Sarah Wist Regent, the St. Joseph's Catholic Girl's League members learned about flowers that could be planted. They went to the greenhouse with the adult leaders to choose the plants, and planted the flower beds. The girls will take turns weeding and watering the flowers. The photo below includes Deacon Lamont Dyck, who prayed a blessing for the garden after it was planted.
St. Patrick’s Parish CWL in Sturgis, SK - Preeceville branch - plant tree June, 2021
lt to rt: Father Michal Pajak, President Nellie Knihniski, Bea Sekel, Lorraine Strijak, Arlene Lingl, Kathleen Pitt, Donna Balawyder, Norma Appel , Zita Serhan
The Preeceville branch of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada planted a spruce tree sapling at the Roman Catholic cemetery in Preeceville, in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the League, June 17, 2020. Due to COVID-19 shutdowns, the celebration was extended into 2021, and this sapling was planted in June, 2021.