Catholic Women's League of Saskatchewan
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Prince Albert Diocese


Regina Diocese 


Saskatoon Diocese

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Provincial Theme





Walking Together






   President's Message

September 2024




Hello everyone


As the summer winds down we find the days getting shorter. All our councils are starting to meet again after a break. For many members this was a very busy year as plans were finalized for hosting the national convention in August. I don't even know where to find the words of appreciation. There were so many members from across the province who helped/served in one way or another. Many sewed convention bags or crafted dish cloths that were made into angels. Made table center pieces, printed tickets, booklets and many other behind the scenes items. The organization of each and every event. The preparations for each mass and prayer service. The feasts we had. The amazing social events. Just knowing what and where everything was when needed. Just in general the AMAZING work that was done! Thank you to each and everyone of you. I have heard so, so many compliments that I'm passing along to each of you.


Now we prepare for the upcoming year. Taking action on the resolutions passed at both the provincial and national conventions. Meetings and workshops. Celebrations and gatherings. Meeting new women in our churches and inviting them to join the league that we are so obviously proud of. Supporting our clergy, especially those who have recently moved into a new parish and don't know anyone or may not even know what the CWL is all about.


I look forward to seeing you all again in the near future. Meeting those who I have not yet had the opportunity to meet. Watching the league in Saskatchewan continue to grow and to work with everyone.


In closing I wish to also thank the outgoing members of the provincial council for their commitment to the league in the past few years. May God continue to bless each and everyone of you.


Helen Kayfish

Provincial President










September 2024 Newsletter


Older Newsletters




(click underlined names for more information and convention documents)


  Prince Albert 2025    



  Regina 2025



  Saskatoon 2025



  Provincial Convention 2025



  National Convention 2024

Saskatoon, SK

August 11 - 14, 2024